The 2011 autumn clothes swapping Ökoteregetés will take place at A38 on the 15th of October 2011 between 15:00 and 18:00. You can take as many clothes as you bring, and we kindly ask you to bring only clean, stainless clothing. No pre-collecting this time, the clothes will be taken from 14:30, the actual swapping starts at 15:00.

One lucky swapping participant will be chosen at the event, and one of our four attending stylists will help finding clothes matching the body shape and personality.

Bring 1-10 pieces in good condition
and you get coupons with the number of brought items on them. You can bring more if you'd like to, but keep in mind that there will be more swappings and you might save some items for those events. As we're a bit low on volunteers, it would be better to bring fewer pieces of good quality.  Corvintető and former Ökoteregetéses swapping coupons are accepted. You can use the remaining coupons at our next swapping, or at Égbolt.



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